Bill S-209

9/11 as a National Day of Service

Legislation to Mark 9/11 as a National Day of Service

1. C-CAT – The Organization

The Canadian Coalition Against Terror (C-CAT) is a non-partisan policy, research and advocacy body committed to seeking innovative legal and public policy strategies in the fight against terrorism.  C-CAT is comprised of Canadian terror victims, counterterrorism professionals, lawyers and other individuals dedicated to building bridges between the private and public sectors in the battle against terrorism and to assisting terror victims in rebuilding their lives. 

C-CAT speaks for a unique constituency of Canadians who have personally and directly experienced the horrific impact of terrorism. Some C-CAT members lost a single relative, others lost entire families, and several were injured themselves. Representatives of C-CAT have testified as witnesses before Senate and House of Commons committees. C-CAT also participated as an intervenor before the Commission of Inquiry into the Investigation of the Bombing of Air India Flight 182, and has been lauded by the leaders of all four major parties for its efforts and contributions to Canada.   

2.  9/11 – A National Day of Service and Remembrance

Unlike many countries in the western world, Canada has no national memorial for 9/11 and has no set protocols for recognizing the events of that day. C-CAT proposes that Canada designate 9/11 as “A National Day of Service and Remembrance,” that will include two separate but related components:

A Day of Service – C-CAT is proposing to reframe 9/11 in a Canadian context as “A National Day of Service” designated to celebrate the outpouring of kindness and unity that was witnessed in Canada, the US and other countries in response to the terrible tragedy of that day. The day will be marked by various projects across Canada that will generate further acts of goodwill within our communities as part of the creation of a broader legacy of 9/11.

A Day of Remembrance – C-CAT proposes that Canada designate September 11th as the date for an annual memorial ceremony at Beachwood Cemetery commemorating our losses in Afghanistan.

Click here for the legislation
Click here for PDF of Legislative Proposal

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