
Secure Canada Condemns Hamas Terrorism in Israel and Commends Muslim Partners Denouncing Heinous Acts

October 10, 2023

Secure Canada is a non-partisan institute founded by Canadian families of 9/11 victims to combat terrorism, extremism, and related threats and to strengthen Canada’s national security and democracy.

Secure Canada specializes in creating necessary legislative responses to terrorist organizations like Hamas, which engage in terrorist attacks, hostage-taking, use of human shields, and glorification of terrorism. 

Secure Canada condemns in the strongest terms the terrorist actions of Hamas, and firmly stands with Israel against a terrorist organization committed to its full destruction and fueled by a genocidal antisemitic core.

Antisemitism is a key feature of many terrorist groups, and Secure Canada is deeply concerned about the implications of rising antisemitism for the security of Canada. 

Secure Canada calls on Canada’s elected leaders to pursue policies that will more effectively prevent terrorist attacks, support terror victims, and shut down state and non-state supporters of terrorism. 

Iran is understood to have provided direct backing to Hamas in these recent attacks. Secure Canada therefore calls on Ottawa once again to designate Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist entity. 

Historically, there have been surges in anti-Jewish hate crimes and incidents in response to conflicts in the Middle East, and Secure Canada urges law enforcement to be vigilant in preventing and responding to such threats in Canada.

In the fight against terrorism and extremism, Secure Canada has formed unprecedented alliances and partnerships, most notably with the Global Imams Council (GIC), as well as the Council of Muslims Against Antisemitism (CMAA). Please see below for their official statements against Hamas.

For more information, please contact Sheryl Saperia at 

See below for statements from the Global Imams Council (GIC) and the Council of Muslims Against Antisemitism (CMAA)

Global Imams Council (GIC)

The full statement from the Global Imams Council (GIC) statement follows, and may be dowloaded here:

As posted on:

Council of Muslims Against Antisemitism (CMAA)

The full statement from the Council of Muslims Against Antisemitism (CMAA) statement follows, and may be dowloaded here: