Victims and Perpetrators Respond to Ontario Court Decision Finding Iran Intentionally Shot Down PS752
Victims and Perpetrators Respond to Ontario Court Decision Finding Iran Intentionally Shot Down PS752
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May 24, 2021
Iran responds with anger to last week’s Ontario court decision finding Iran liable for terrorism in the shootdown of PS752

Iran’s Foreign Ministry:
“Referring to the incompetence of the Canadian court to comment on an air accident abroad and outside its territory and jurisdiction, [Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh] stated that it is predictable that Canada will not comply with the basic legal principles by considering Canada’s behavioral set on this issue. He highlighted that this behavior of a Canadian judge in compliance with political orders and stereotypes, and it is considered shameful for a country claiming to support the rule of law.”
“Instead of Canada’s short-sighted political goals, Iran calls on the Government of Canada to show the behavior of a state of maturity instead of pretending to be active concerning this unfortunate incident ….”
C-CAT Responds to Iran’s Foreign Ministry:
“The Iranian regime’s belligerent and disdainful response to the Court’s decision is entirely consistent with Iran’s malevolent and disdainful responses over the last 42 years, to entreaties from Canada and other western countries demanding justice for their citizens who have been arbitrarily detained, tortured or murdered by the Islamic Republic, or its terrorist proxies. C-CAT will continue to stand unwaveringly with the families of PS752 in pursuing accountability from the Iranian regime and the IRGC for the shootdown of this aircraft and Iran’s other terrorist crimes against Canadian nationals.”
PS752 Family Members Respond to the Court’s JVTA Ruling
The Association of Families of Flight PS752 Victims:

”Today’s judicial findings that Iran’s attack on Flight PS752 was “intentional” and “an act of terrorism” adds to the mounting findings against Iran. It reaffirms the families’ understanding that the attack was an intentional act of terrorism, and that the Iranian regime must be held accountable. In light of today’s judgement, the Association calls on the Government of Canada to take swift action against the Iranian regime in pursuit of the full truth and justice.”
Plaintiff Mehrzad Zarei, whose 17-year-old son Arad was killed in the shootdown of PS752:

“’I was crying. I was so happy‘
Mehrzad Zarei, one of the plaintiffs in this suit, lost his 17-year-old son Arad in the shootdown of PS752. Zarei said he was overwhelmed by the judge’s decision. “I could not even stand on my feet,” Zarei told the press conference. “I was crying. I was so happy for the judgment.” He added … “This victory belongs to all people who are victims, who have been killed and tortured in Iran, and are silent. We are their voice. This is a fight for them, and we won’t let them be forgotten.”
Plaintiff Shahin Moghaddam whose son Rosstin and wife Shakiba, perished in the shootdown of PS752:

“Until now we had empty hands, but as of yesterday, we are armed.”
Moghaddam told IranWire that he and others were still fighting to have the Canadian government designate the IRGC as a terrorist entity. “Furthermore,” he said, “I want to see Canada and Ukraine file a real [criminal] claim with the ICC. This is the main goal. We want to push them to do that. Until now we had empty hands, but as of yesterday, we are armed. “Last night, he said, was the first in which he had slept soundly since the tragedy. “I’m so happy,” he said, “that I see the justice system in this country is totally independent.”
Victims and Perpetrators Respond to Ontario Court Decision Finding Iran Intentionally Shot Down PS752